Georges Condominas

Georges Condominas ( born June 29, 1921 in Haiphong, Vietnam, † 17 July 2011 in Paris ) was a French anthropologist. He wrote important works on an ethnic group living in the central plateau in Vietnam. He was a signatory to the Manifesto of the 121, and in 1979 was co-founder of the Association française des anthropologues.


Condominas was born in Haiphong in (Vietnam ), the son of a French military and a woman with partly indigenous ancestors.

"Before Condominas 1945 was drafted into the Navy in Saigon, he traveled frequently between the colonial empire and France back and forth. After the Second World War he held himself back in France and discovered for himself the Ethnology. From 1947 to 1959 Condominas worked at ORSTOM [ Office de la recherche scientifique et technique outre- mer, now Institut de recherche pour le développement ] before he was Research Director at the EHESS, where he managed the Centre de Documentation et de Recherche sur l' Asie du Sud -Est et le Monde insulin Tue founded. He was also a visiting professor at Yale University and Columbia University. "

Condominas was first known as the author of the book Nous avons la forêt mangé de la pierre- genie Goo ( Hii saa Brii Mau Yaang GOO ) ( 1957). Condominas held almost two years in the village of Sar Luk, and appeared almost completely into the world of its inhabitants.

2006 dedicated the Quai Branly museum in Paris the objects brought by him with an exhibition.

Condominas ' book L' Exotique au quotidien was by Georges Devereux in the same breath as Claude Lévi- Strauss's Tristes Tropiques and called with Georges Balan Diers Afrique Ambigue. "These three are the only ones I know of larger trials, the effect of his data and his scientific work on the scientists to evaluate yourself. "

" Michel Leiris, Georges Condominas and Georges Balandier have, the colonial relationships seen through and charged that they simultaneously were as neutral be ending researchers in colonized countries, the representatives of an oppressive and exploitative power of what their relationship to the ' objects of research ', had the relatives of exotic peoples have retroactive effect. This reflection of one's own position has in all three researchers led to a questioning of the very personal motives for the ethnological activities [ ... ] ". (Paul Parin )


As the author

  • Nous avons la forêt mangé de la pierre- genie Goo ( Hii saa Brii Mau Yaang Goo ), Paris: Mercure de France, 1957, dt We ate the forest of spirits stone Goo: Chronicle d Mnong Gar - Sar Luk village in the highlands South Vietnam, Frankfurt am Main: Insel- Verl, 1969.
  • L' exotique est quotidien: Chronique de Sar Luk village Mnong even ( tribu proto- Indochinoise of the Hauts - Plateaux du Viet -Nam central), Paris: Plon, 1977

As editor

  • Georges Condominas ( dir. ), Formes de dépendance Extremes: Contributions à l' étude de l' Asie du Sud esclavage en -Est. Paris: Éditions de l' École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 1998

Secondary literature

  • Exhibition catalog: " Nous avons la forêt mangé ...": Georges Condominas au Vietnam; exposition, Paris, Musée du quai Branly, 23 juin -17 juillet 2006 hrg. by Christine Hemmet, Arles ( Bouches -du- Rhône): Actes Sud, 2006 - 127 p. Ill., Kt - ( La collection du Musée du quai Branly ), ISBN 2-7427-6145-4 - ISBN 2 -915133-16-6