Georgios Chortatzis

Georgios Chortatzis, also Chortatsis (Greek Γεώργιος Χορτάτζης or Χορτάτσης, * about 1550; † about 1610) was a Greek playwright from Crete. Together with Vitsentzos Kornaros he is one of the most important representatives of the Cretan school of poetry under the Venetian rule in the late 16th and early 17th centuries.


From dedications of some of his works can be chaniotische notables as well as from the extensive literary education of the author tap that Chortatzis belonged to a wealthy Cretan family, even if no precise information on kinship or residence available. He is also mentioned in the following verses from the epic poem The hassle of Chandax and Rethemnos (Greek Φιλονικία του Χάνδακος και του Ρεθέμνου ) of the poet Marino Tzanes Bunialis (Greek Μαρίνος Τζάνες Μπουνιαλής, about 1620 - about 1685) from Rethymno:

" Ένα παιδί μου παλαιόν, οπού ' θελα γεννήση κ ' εκείνο με πολλή τιμήν ήθελε με στολίση · Γεώργιον Χορτάκιον εκράζαν τ ' όνομά του και καμε την πανώργιαν του με ζαχαρένια χείλη μαζί με τον Κατζάροπον την άξιαν Ερωφίλη. "

And that should adorn me with much honor: Georgios Chortakios his name, they called and led his Panoria on with sugar sweet lips,


His most famous work is the gambling in Egypt tragedy Erofili (or Erophile, Ερωφίλη ). Further works are the comedy Katsourbos, Κατσούρμπος, and the pastoral drama Panoria or Gyparis, Πανώρια η Γύπαρις. The Comedy Stathis, Στάθης is attributed to him. The production context of these works are also interludes, short pieces ranging in size from 40 to 200 verses, which were performed between the acts or even in Torquato Tasso's Gerusalemme banquets and Liberata ( 1575), Giovan Andrea dell'Anguillaras translation of Metamorfosi d' Ovidio ( 1561) as well as Giambattista Marino's Adone ( 1623) suggestions withdrawals. With its thematically and stylistically oriented to these and other Italian models works Georgios Chortatzis significantly influenced the development of modern Greek literary language and literature.
