German Association of Judges

The German Association of Judges (DRB ) based in Berlin is the largest professional association of judges of all courts and prosecutors branches in Germany. It is divided into 16 regional associations, professional associations in five federal courts and four trade associations of individual specialist jurisdictions. Through its 25 member clubs he has about 15,000 judges and prosecutors.

Chairman of the German Association of Judges is since April 27, 2007 Attorney Christopher Frank from Freiburg to succeed Wolfgang Arenhövel. The Executive Committee currently consists of twelve members, including the Deputy Chairperson Andrea Titz, Judge at the High Court in Munich, and Jens Gnisa, director of the District Court of Bielefeld.

The German Judges' Association organized every three years the German Judges and Staatsanwaltstag ( Rista - day). The last judge and Staatsanwaltstag took place in Weimar in 2011. He publishes the German judge gives newspaper and published every two years in a human rights prize to a judge, prosecutor or lawyer who has made outstanding contribution to the realization of human rights.


The German Judges' Association was founded on January 1, 1909 as a merger of several countries associations. The then -civil servants judges campaigned for the granting full professional and personal independence. On May 25, 1933 joined the German Association of Judges, who regarded the elimination of the Weimar Republic in no way hostile, closed at the Federation of National Socialist German Jurists ( BNSDJ ) range within which he remained at first, until he finally broke up at the end. It was only in October 1949, it came to starting up in the area of the old Federal Republic. After completion of German unity and associations of judges and prosecutors from the eastern states joined.


The German Association of Judges is committed as a professional association for its members' interests against masters, parliaments and public and tries to influence in his senses by statements on the right and professional policy legislation. Objectives of the German Association of Judges are in addition to promoting legislation, the administration of justice and law and respect for judicial independence and impartial law, the promotion of the professional, economic and social interests of judges and prosecutors.


The DRB consists, among others, for the following projects:

In addition to these issues, the DRB has, for example, with the planned merging of social and administrative jurisdiction, judicial independence or of legal education.

The North Rhine- Westphalian state chairman of the German Association of Judges was cited in October 2012 in the press as saying that the proportion of women in the judiciary was too high. The proportion of women of 62 percent for new hires caring for a tightening of the personnel situation. Many lawyers fell out a few years for family times.

Human Rights Award

Since 1991, the German Association of Judges gives every three years a human rights award. This judges, prosecutors, lawyers and their organizations will be honored from around the world who have " rendered outstanding difficult political circumstances and reprisals despite - the enforcement of human rights" itself. The Association refers to this as " a sign of recognition of the courage of these people and of solidarity with them. " With the price a monetary prize of 5000 € is connected.

2009, the Syrian lawyer and human rights activist Anwar al -Bunni was honored, who was imprisoned from May 2006 to May 2011 because of dissident remarks near Damascus. The next award ceremony will take place in late 2012.

Colombia Help

An aid project of the Association of Judges is the so-called " Colombia aid." Content of the project was the establishment of a relief fund for the dependents and survivors of slain judicial employees in 1989. Goal be should, to fund education and vocational training for orphans and half-orphans, vocational rehabilitation or retraining of widows and small loans to start businesses.

Alliance for German law

Together with the Federal Ministry of Justice and other legal professional organizations, such as the Federal Bar (BRAK ) and the German Bar Association (DAV ) of the DRB is organized in the " Alliance for German law." Goal is the application of German law overseas. In the implementation of this alliance in 2008 a pamphlet entitled " Law Made in Germany " was published. In a Franco-German initiative, the Alliance has launched in February 2011 along with the French " Fondation pour le Droit Continental " a brochure to strengthen the continental law in the global competition of legal systems.
