German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information

The German Institute for Medical Documentation and Information (DIMDI) is a subordinate agency of the Federal Ministry of Health, was established in 1969 with headquarters in Cologne. One of his tasks is to make available to the interested public the latest information from the entire field of medicine quickly and easily accessible part.

Medical Classification and nomenclature

DIMDI is the editor of the German versions of medical classifications such as ICD -10, ICF, OPS and ATC, thesauri and nomenclatures such as MeSH and UMDNS as well as other conceptual systems ( Alpha-ID, LOINC, object identifiers [ OID ] ) that for the electronic data exchange in health care are important.

Databases in healthcare

Moreover, the Institute operates special information systems for drugs, medical devices and health technology assessment ( HTA) as well as for research purposes an information system with supply data of the statutory health insurance. In addition to these topics and with a focus on health and medicine, the information provided with the growing expenditure has continued to expand. Thus, DIMDI since April 2009 on its website a mail-order pharmacies register. Thus, consumers can check which online pharmacy has an official shipping permit for Germany.

DIMDI today offers a wide range of databases in the fields of medicine, pharmacy and psychology, which are available online. Overall, currently around 50 databases are available with more than 150 million units of information.

Almost all databases are public, about half also free. Some databases are due to the drug advertising law only for professionals (doctors, pharmacists, and others) and as a premium customer accessible ( with conclusion of a license agreement).

The World Health Organization has DIMDI appointed Collaborating Centre for the Family of International Classifications ( Collaboration Centre for the Family of International Classifications ) 2003. The classifications include the ICD, ICF and the ICD -O ( tumors ).

The services are partly charged, the rates published on its website DIMDI
