Gheorghe Zamfir

Gheorghe Zamfir ( born April 6, 1941 in Găeşti, Dâmboviţa county ) is a Romanian pan flute player.

As an initial self-taught, he began his musical studies at a music school in Bucharest, where he was a student Fănică Lucas. In 1961 he then moved to the conservatory, which was also based in Bucharest. Publicly known Zamfir was by the Swiss ethno musicologist Marcel Cellier, who discovered it in the context of extensive research in the field of Romanian folk music.

Zamfir initially recruited mainly in the form of television commercials for his albums, what the panflute opened a modern audience and thus made ​​acceptable. He produced numerous albums since then with pan flute music, including his most famous work Lonely Shepherd ( but which was written and produced by James Last ), the last in Kill Bill: Vol 1 was Quentin Tarantino's consideration. Back in 1979, The Lonely Shepherd was the theme song of the six -part series " The Gold of the Desert ( Golden Soak ) ".

However, the biggest audience is likely Zamfir by the gangster film " Once Upon a Time in America " have been found. Here, the virtuoso playing the panpipes play " Cockeye 's Song", composed by Ennio Morricone. This topic applies next to " Deborah's Theme" as the central motif throughout the film. Likewise, he was known with the title theme to the movie " The Tall Blond Man with One Black Shoe " with Pierre Richard ( 1972), which was written by the Romanian composer Vladimir Cosma.

Nationally and internationally shunned Zamfir no collaborations with other artists. This includes in particular the collaboration with James Last, emerged from a significant amount of music productions.

Zamfir also taught at the National University of Music in Bucharest. Among his pupils also Petruta Küpper belonged.
