Giovanni Mario Crescimbeni

Giovanni Mario Crescimbeni ( born October 9, 1663 Macerata, † March 8, 1728 in Rome ) was an Italian poet, historian and 1690-1728 Curator of the Academy of the Arcadia. Since 1700 he was also a member of the Accademia della Crusca in Florence.

Within the Accademia he represented unlike Giovanni Vincenzo Gravina, which was based on Homer and Dante, volgare the direction of the oriented Petrarca representatives of the Poesia. In 1705 he was a canon of Santa Maria in Cosmedin in Rome, Archpriest 1719 and 1728 he was admitted two months before his death in the Societas Jesus.


  • Istoria della poesia Volgar, Rome 1698
  • Trattato della bellezza della poesia Volgar, Rome 1700
  • Commentario intorno alla poesia Volgar, Rome 1702 - 1711, 5 volumes