Gisulf II of Friuli

Gisulf II of Friuli was a Dux of the Lombards in the region of Friuli. He fell around the year 610 in battle as the Avars invaded in Friuli. His wife Romilda looked thereupon with her sons in the city of Forum Julii protection. The city was then occupied by the Avars, allegedly because Romilda, dazzled by the beauty of the young Awarenherrschers that opened doors. The men of the city were killed, the women and children abducted. However, the sons Gisulfs escaped. The events are narrated by Paul the Deacon, who was, however, no contemporary Gisulfs. Why the Avars attacked the Lombards, with whom they otherwise were mostly in good agreement is unclear. This and the fact that the former Lombard Agilulf apparently refused medical assistance, lead to the assumption that the Avars vorgingen on his behalf against Gisulf.

Two of the sons Gisulfs, Raduald and Grimoald were successively Duke of Benevento. Grimoald was 662 even King of the Lombards.


  • Paul the Deacon, Historia Langobardorum