Glendo, Wyoming

Platte County


Glendo is a city in Platte County, western Wyoming in the United States. The city is about 1440 meters altitude on here for Glendo Reservoir pent North Platte River.


According to a survey conducted in 2007, more 219 people, 109 men and 110 women in Glendo, the average per capita income is less than the national average of Wyoming.


Glendo is located off Interstate 25 between Douglas and Wheatland. Through the city's railroad line of the Union Pacific Railroad runs on the 1950 since the years just goods, especially coal, are transported. Glendo had a breakpoint at this track. North of the town is the Thomas Memorial Airport, a local airport.


Near the town is the Glendo Reservoir, surrounded by Glendo State Park. Here are a few tent sites and the reservoir provides the opportunity for water sports.

The Way West led the settlers, Oregon, California and Mormon Trail were traveling to the south of Glendo over.

Glendo is a road in the nearby Medicine Bow National Forest and in the region around Laramie Peak.


On 27 May 1935, a Boeing Model 200 crashed near the city. In the postal and cargo aircraft it was an airplane that was built a total of only twice.
