Glenflagler distillery

Glen Flagler was a whiskey distillery in the Moffat / Inver House Distillery complex, Moffat, Airdrie, North Lanarkshire, Scotland, United Kingdom.


Glen Flagler was built in 1964 by the American group Publicker, the Inver House also called his own time. Under the roof of a former paper mill were still the Garnheath Grain distillery and Killyloch. Whether Glen Flagler and Killyloch are to be regarded as a distillery or two different controversial.

Glen Flagler himself was only brief 20 years, making it one of Scotland's distilleries with the shortest production time. Although the majority of the production was intended for the American Blend industry, it was in the 1960s and 1970s also single malt bottlings, which are now all looking for collectibles. As the demand for " Blended Whisky " was declining in America, to Inver House decided to close the distillery in 1985.


The water of the members of the Lowlands Region / Western Lowlands distillery came, as with all of the distilleries distillery complex, from the Lilly Loch. The malt used came from the pile of hiking own malting which in 1978 and Associated British times Marketers Ltd.. was sold.
