Gloeophyllum sepiarium

Fence Blättling ( Gloeophyllum sepiarium )

The fence - Blättling ( Gloeophyllum sepiarium, syn. Daedalea sepiaria, Lenzites crocata and L. sepiaria ) is a species of fungus in the family Blättlingsverwandten ( Gloeophyllaceae ).


The fence - Blättling forms very variable fruiting bodies: Depending on the location, these semi-circular (on floor surfaces), fan -, shell - shaped or console. At horizontal substrates, the fruiting bodies are often arranged in ribbon-like rows. On the underside of the substrate, they may also lie completely flat. The Hutoberseite is initially designed striegelig - tomentose and verkahlt with age. The fruiting bodies are concentrically zoned wavy and ridged. In the middle, they are usually slightly hunched. Their color ranges from tobacco- brown to red or dark brown in young specimens the edge lifts whitish to yellow brown from. The base is composed of a lamellar hymenophore that are often cross-linked.


In contrast to the fir Blättling with which the fence Blättling sometimes grows on the same substrate, it has the brim more fins per inch: 15-20, Fir Blättling has about 8-13 and a somewhat lighter surface. The occurring also in a similar location bar Blättling has a labyrinthine hymenophore. The fruiting bodies are annual, but can take several years sterile.


The fence - Bättling is a holzbewohnender Saprobiont, mainly coniferous - especially spruce - populated. He rarely grows on deciduous wood. The fungus causes the infested wood intensive brown rot. The species grows on dead and debarked wood, which is especially sun- and wind- exposed and is very hot in summer and dry. Also wood used does not disdain the way: can be infected fence poles, railings, bedding or sandpit edging, playground equipment, benches, etc. Compared wood preservatives it is relatively insensitive.


In Germany the fence Blättling can be found at suitable locations almost everywhere outside Europe it is widespread in North and South America, Asia, and North and South Africa. In the Mediterranean region it is rarer and missing on the Mediterranean islands, Portugal and Hungary.


The fence - Blättling is a major pest of wood. With his penchant for sun- exposed, debarked wood, it attacks frequently obstructed wood, which is then destroyed by the brown rot caused. Since first colonized the inner, wetter areas and relatively late in the fungus forms fruiting bodies, the infestation is usually detected only in the advanced stage.

