Goffredo Malaterra

Gaufredus Malaterra was a Norman chronicler of the 11th century. Accurate survival data are not known.

He may have belonged to the Benedictine monks of the Abbey of Saint- Évroult in the Pays d' Ouche who came with Robert Grant Mesnil to Calabria. Stages of his career were the monastery abbey Eufemia ( which had been founded by Saint- Évroult from ), the Abbey of S. Trinità di Mileto and last Sant'Agata in Catania in Sicily, where he was the Count Roger I of Sicily, the he knew personally, with the transcript of his ( Rogers ) and his brother Robert Guiscard commissioned biography.

He wrote a chronicle, which belongs next to William of Apulia and Amatus of Montecassino to the three main sources reporting on the activities of the Normans and southern Italy and the Mediterranean, here substantially over the of Count Roger. Gaufred reported only about the Byzantine campaign of Robert Guiscard, but thereafter only on the campaigns Rogers on the basis of oral traditional stories that he had collected, and is often the only source.

The report ends in the year 1099 and can be hitherto understood as official history of the farm Rogers of Sicily. It is dedicated to the abbot and first bishop of Catania, Ansgerius.


  • De rebus gestis Rogerii Calabriae et Siciliae comitis et Roberti Guiscardi ducis fratris eius a cura di Ernesto Pontieri, Bologna; Città di Castello, N. Zanichelli; Lapi, 1925
  • Ruggero I e Roberto Guiscard, Ed. Vito Lo Curto, Cassino, Francesco Ciolfi, 2002, ISBN 8886810105
  • Imprese del conte Ruggero e del fratello Roberto Guiscard, Palermo, Flaccovio, 2000, ISBN 8878041718
  • The deeds of Count Roger of Calabria and Sicily and of his brother Duke Robert Guiscard, Ed. Kenneth Baxter Wolf, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 2005, ISBN 047211459X