Gonzalo Rodríguez Lafora

Gonzalo Rodríguez Lafora ( born June 25, 1886 in Madrid, † December 27, 1971 in Madrid) was a Spanish neurologist, neuropathologist and psychiatrist. Lafora worked as an Associate Professor of Neuropathology and Head of the Institute of Physiology of the Brain at the Institute Cajal in Madrid.

After Lafora the Lafora disease is named, an inherited metabolic disorder in which there inclusions of Polyglykosankörpern in different tissues, comes in the nervous system, liver and Muskelgwebes among others. These inclusions occur due to a disturbed glycogen metabolism and are also known as Lafora bodies.


  • Gonzalo R. Lafora, Bernard Glueck: contribution to the histopathology of myoclonic epilepsy. In: Journal for the entire neurology and psychiatry. 6, 1911, pp. 1-14, doi: 10.1007/BF02863929.