
51.54444444444413.05972222222284Koordinaten: 51 ° 32 ' 40 "N, 13 ° 3' 35" E

Graditz is a district of the town of Torgau in the district of North Saxony, Saxony. It is located southeast of the city on the eastern edge of the Elbe in the River Elbe. Federal highway 183 runs through the district. The village was known mainly by the same stud that represents the core of Graditz.


The first mention of Vorwerkes Graditz place in the year 1004. In 1240, acquired the monastery Dobrilugk Graditz and developed it into a major monastery courtyard.

After the dissolution of the monastery in 1541 Graditz came into the possession of the House of Wettin, the 1630 Stutterey Graditz, today Graditz stud, founded it in 1686 at the Barbican Repitz expanded and started the breeding of thoroughbreds.

1722 Graditz was raised by order of Augustus the Strong to Chur princely Saxon Stutterey Graditz. In the same year the construction of the castle Graditz and the construction of all buildings of Hofgestüts, designed by Daniel Pöppelmann began.

After the defeat of Saxony on the side of France during the Napoleonic Wars Graditz belonged to the Saxon places, which fell by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 to Prussia. The stud has now Royal Prussian main stud. The introduction of the still used Graditz fire sign was made in 1816. Among the top equerry Georg Graf von Lehndorff, who held the line of the stud from 1866 to 1906, is Graditz developed into a reputable kennel exclusively for thoroughbreds. Horses from Graditz achieved several international successes. Graf von Lehndorff was make the park Graditz, expand the farm buildings of the stud farm and build houses for the employees.

The stud suffered heavy losses in the First and Second World War. After 1945 the majority of breeding horses were deported to the Soviet Union, used as plow horses or even used as food.

The castle was used in 1945 for the celebration of the encounter between the Americans and the Russians on the Elbe near Torgau. With the horse breeding in Graditz was only in 1949 started again.

Since 1992, the Graditz stud is owned by the Free State of Saxony. Two years later Graditz was a district of the town of Torgau with 250 inhabitants.


  • Grand Duke Karl August of Saxe- Weimar -Eisenach died in 1828 at Schloss Graditz
  • Hans Graf von Lehndorff was born in 1910 in Graditz