Grand Kru County

4.9166666666667 - 8.25Koordinaten: 4 ° 55 ' N, 8 ° 15 ' W

Grand Kru County is an administrative region ( County) in Liberia, it has a size of 3895 km ², and had at the last census (2008) 57 913 inhabitants.

The administrative region is subdivided into 18 districts. The capital is Barclayville in the same District.

Grand Kru is in the south of Liberia on the Atlantic coast. The region was 1984/1985 formed from the Sass Town Territory and the formerly belonging to Maryland Kru Coast Territory. The region is sparsely populated, barely expanded the road network. Top Languages ​​are Grebo and Kru.

The most important economic sector is subsistence agriculture, which is often practiced in the form of slash and burn. Crops are upland rice, cassava, palm nuts, tropical fruits, sugar cane in wetter areas and various banana varieties and cash crops as coffee, cocoa and cola. On the coast fishing is done.


The carried out in 2005 first democratic elections after the Civil War Senate Cletus Segbe Wotorson of the Cotol and Blamoh Nelson of the APD was chosen. As one of the first auxiliary and government infrastructure projects Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the George W. Bush Bridge was built in Barclayville in 2006.


Bomi | Bong | Gbarpolu | Grand Bassa | Grand Cape Mount | Grand Gedeh | Grand Kru | Lofa | Margibi | Maryland | Montserrado | Nimba | River Cess | River Gee | Sinoe

  • County in Liberia
  • Grand Kru County