Green neon tetra

Blue Neon ( Paracheirodon simulans )

The Blue Neon ( Paracheirodon simulans, Syn: Hyphesso simulans ) is a freshwater ornamental fish from the order of Characins. Blue Neons are 3 to 3.5 inches long and a maximum of five years old. Its reserves are in tropical South America, the Orinoco and Rio Negro.

Hunting and

Since the Blue Neon is a schooling fish, he should have at least nine other dogs in the aquarium. The families of the neons are with the naked eye difficult to detect, the females are larger and plumper. Blue Neons are easy to maintain, with the captive breeding only for advanced users is possible. Make the food no special requirements and can be fed with dry and live food. In the aquarium they keep on rather in the middle. The Beck planting should be plenty, but require Blue Neons much swimming space. They represent typical fish is to be kept in a black water aquarium, here come their body colors particularly prominent.


The Blue Neon Red Neon Neon tetras and similar, the three species are not closely related. They differ in the number of chromosomes.

Pictures of Green neon tetra
