Groß Glienicker See

Medium term depth about 3.4 m

Most Glienicker Lake is a lake in Berlin and Brandenburg. It is located in the district of Kladow in the southwest of the capital city and in the northern part of the Brandenburg state capital Potsdam in the district of Groß Glienicke.


The lake extends in a north-south direction over a length of 1.9 km. Its width is a maximum of 530 m, its narrowest point is given as 240 m. He is almost completely enclosed by Berlin and Potsdam settlement areas. The lake is bordered to the west by the Potsdam district of Groß Glienicke and to the east by the Spandau district of Berlin belonging Kladow district, the lake adjacent to the residential area is also known under the name Great Glienicke. Through the entire lake the border between Brandenburg and Berlin runs. Prior to 1990, here, the border between East Germany and West Berlin.


Together with the much deeper, 0,7 km to the south -lying Sacrower See and the Holy See in Potsdam he forms a chain not interrelated in direct connection lakes located in a glacial trough.


The riparian vegetation of the Grand Glienicker lake is mainly characterized by reeds and old willows and alder and is therefore natural. The reeds and open water are habitats of water birds like Mute Swan and Little Grebe.


Most Glienicker Lake is a calcareous, stratified lowland lake without surface runoff. He is almost entirely groundwater fed. Its water level has dropped considerably over the last years. The wholesale Glienicker lake was also used for drinking water.

The lake at the time of the GDR until 1990

The border between West Berlin and East Germany took place in the middle of the lake and was marked by buoys. Directly on the western and southern lakeshore was the Berlin Wall. The lake could enter by the East German side ( lakeside United Glienicke ) nor are even seen. For West Berlin, the lake was a popular bathing waters. You could (or could ) swim to the buoys or go in the winter on the ice. Boundary transgressions were part of the GDR seldom punished, but there were some border incidents.

Tourist infrastructure

The south bank is opened with a swimming area, boat launch, beer garden and large car park for recreation.


In 1943, drowned in the sea of ​​bathing Friedrich August Georg of Saxony, the last Crown Prince of Saxony.

Since 2005, the entire lake from the country Angling Association Brandenburg is managed, however, apply to the two sides of the respective national fisheries laws. The attempt at a citizens' initiative that advocated by the CDU / FDP majority in the Spandau district councilor Assembly building one remaining natural area on the east side of the lake to be prevented by a large investor by means of a referendum, has failed in 2008.

In the spring of 2010, a citizens' initiative " Free shore Glienicker lake at Large" started to get the path along the lake. In April 2010, the Potsdam city administration fortifications away on the west bank, the residents had built.
