Guadalajara train disaster

In the railway accident of Guadalajara came on January 22, 1915 in front of Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico, a completely occupied passenger train out of control, derailed and crashed into a ravine. More than 600 people died.

Starting position

In the wake of the Mexican Revolution captured on January 18, 1915 troops of the revolutionary leader and president Venustiano Carranza, the city of Guadalajara. He immediately ordered that the families of his troops should be brought from Colima over railroad tracks, Colima - Guadalajara Guadalajara. For this purpose, a special train was put together, which existed alongside the locomotive from 20 cars. The train was completely occupied with 900 passengers, they traveled in part on the car roof and running boards.

The accident

In a gradient of the engine-driver lost control of the train, the increasingly accelerated. Getting people were already at driving at excessive speed through curves from the train. Finally, the train derailed in a curve and crashed into a ravine. Of the 900 travelers survived less than 300
