Gustav Pick

Gustav Pick ( born December 10, 1832 in Rechnitz, Burgenland, then Rohonc, Hungary, † April 29, 1921 in Vienna) was a musician and composer of Viennese songs.

The Jewish merchant's son Gustav pick spent his childhood in the Jewish ghetto in Rechnitz. 1845 the family moved to Vienna. As a bank official, he took piano lessons and soon began to compose. For a charity event of Princess Pauline von Metternich on the occasion of the centenary of the cab guild in May 1885 Pick composed the Fiakerlied, which gave the actor Alexander Girardi, who appeared as the highlight of this festival Prater for the best. This song made ​​famous Pick abruptly. The Vienna Schrammeln formed this song the anthem of Vienna.

Gustav Pick lies in the Jewish section of Vienna's Central Cemetery buried (Group 8/60/105 ).

During the Nazi era Picks works were banned because of his Jewish origin. In 1966 in Vienna Dobling ( 19th District ), the Gustav- picking lane named after him.
