György Ránki

György Ránki [ ra ː ɟørɟ NKI ] ( born October 30, 1907 in Budapest, † May 22, 1992 ) was a Hungarian composer.

Ránki studied 1926-1930 at the Music Academy in Budapest with Zoltán Kodály and then worked as a freelance composer in his hometown.

In addition to about sixty film scores and incidental music Ránki composed thirty seven works for the stage, a Prelude for Orchestra, the 1514 fantasy for piano and orchestra, chamber music, cantatas and a lament in memory of Kodály. Is listed as " Don Quijote y Dulcinea for oboe and harpsichord ", and in the version for oboe and orchestra.

1953, his fairy-tale opera " pomade király uj ruhája " ( "King pomades New Clothes" by Hans Christian Andersen, The Emperor's New Clothes ) in Budapest out. Ránki also composed the music Imre Madách epic " Az ember tragédiája " ( The Tragedy of Man ) into an opera, which was premiered in 1970 at the Budapest Opera House.

Ránki received the Kossuth Prize in 1954.
