Hadejia-Nguru wetlands

12.911Koordinaten: 12 ° 54 'N, 11 ° 0' O

The Hadejia - Nguru wetlands are located in the northeastern region of Nigeria. They extend over an area of ​​approximately 3,500 square kilometers between cities Hadeija and Gashua, in the states of Jigawa and Yobe. The Hadejia - Nguru wetlands are of great international importance; they form an important resting and wintering area for migratory birds from the northern hemisphere. There 377 species of birds with a calculated total population of 259 767 in 1995, 201 133 in 1996 and 324 510 in 1997 were counted. The annual rainfall in the region is 200 to 600 mm / m² specified, the fall in the rainy season of the West African monsoon in the months of June to September.

The Hadejia - Nguru wetlands are formed by an inland delta of the rivers Hadeija, Kafin Hausa and Jama'are. The Hadeija is the main tributary and splits at the place Hadeija in three side arms, these are the old Hadeija River, which Burum Gana and the Marma Channel. The Marma channel flows northeast into the endorheic Nguru Lake, the other two arms are combined by around 105 km from each other again. The Kafin Hausa flows into the Jama'are, this combines with reunified Hadeija just before the village Gashua and forms the Komadugu Yobe, this confluence at the eastern end of the Hadejia - Nguru wetlands. Your greatest extent reach the wetlands with the onset of the flood season from August and September, then they consist of a network of canals and small lakes. The size of the flooding areas has been greatly reduced in recent decades, so did the wetlands in the early 1960s an average extent of 4125 km ², in particularly rainy years, even up to 6,000 km ² with an open water area of ​​2,000 km ². These flooding surfaces were reduced by the decline in rainfall, the construction of dams on the upper reaches and the extensive water extraction for irrigation projects on about 3,500 km ² in the 1990s.

The Hadejia - Nguru wetlands are located in the vegetation belt of the Sahel acacia savannah of the Sahel, with annual rainfall of 200 to 600 mm / m². In the field can find three special main vegetation types. The first is the shrub savanna, which propagates in the higher areas. The second is called Tudu, which is spreading to sandy soils and crossed by a large number of ponds. The predominant tree species are Anabaum (Acacia albida ), Ziziphus spp., Wüstendattel ( Balanites aegyptiaca ), tamarind tree ( Tamarindus indica) and the African baobab (Adansonia digitata ), underlaid they are with a vegetation of the grass species Cenchrus biflorus, Andropogon spp. and Vetiveria nigritana. To gallery forests stretch on the floodplain, regionally referred to as Kumri forests from. These consist mainly mespiliformis from the tree Khaya senegalensis species, Mitragyna inermis and Diospyros. In some areas the Kumri forests have been replaced by plantations of mango ( Mangifera indica) and Real guava ( Psidium guajava ). The third type of vegetation propagates in the flooded areas and is regionally known as Fadama. The main tree species are Acacia nilotica and Doumpalme ( Hyphaene thebaica ). Large areas of grass spread out in the flood plains, the dominant species are Echinochloa and Oryza spp., In drier areas of the Fadama vegetation there are the grasses Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Setaria spp. and Cyperus spp. The higher than a man Typha australis and Mimosa pigra growing on the shores of the lakes.

The 1010.95 km ² Baturiya Wetlands Game Reserve and 581 km ² Nguru Lake (and Marma Channel ) complex were included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance of the Ramsar Convention in 2008. The bathing - Nguru wetlands are part of the National Park Chad Basin covering an area of 938 km ², the core area of ​​the national parks in this region is the Dagona Waterfowl Refuge.


  • Hadeija - Nuguru wetlands to BirdLife International
  • Pre -water audit for the Komadugu Yobe Basin (PDF, 1.27 MB)
  • The National Park Chad Basin on the website of the Nigeria Park Service