
Haffstrom (Russian Шоссейный ( Schosseiny ), Lithuanian Šoseinas ) was a church and fishing village right on the Vistula Lagoon and would be in today's Moscow Rajon Kaliningrad (Königsberg ( Prussia) ), the capital of the Russian oblast of Kaliningrad ( Königsberg area ).

  • 5.1 Notes and references
  • 5.2 Weblink

Geographical location

Haffstrom was on the northeast corner of the Vistula Lagoon at a place where the big waters widens into a bay. Distance to the city center of Kaliningrad there were eight miles above the present highway A 194 ( former German Reich road 1).


The small village was known before 1785 Have power, then to 1907 Hafestrom, then to 1946 Haffstrom and into the 1990s into Russian Schosseiny (of шоссе / schosse for road ).

In 1874 Hafestrom was at the newly established office district Kalgen (Russian: Tschaikowskoje ) incorporated, which belonged to the district of Königsberg ( Prussia) in the district of Königsberg the Prussian province of East Prussia. On February 27, 1907 Hafestrom received official confirmation from the name spelled " Haffstrom ".

In Haffstrom lived 190 inhabitants in 1910. On September 30, 1928, the rural community around the Gutsbezirk Kalgen was enlarged, which was incorporated. The population grew until 1933 to 511

On April 1, 1939 Haffstrom had to give up its independence and was together with the neighboring Prappeln (Russian: Tschapajewo ) incorporated into the municipality and the urban district of Königsberg ( Prussia).

Königsberg came in 1945 with the northern East Prussia to the Soviet Union. The district received Haffstrom 1946, the Russian name " Schosseiny ". The town regained its independence and was the Novo- Moskovsky Selski Soviet ( Soviet village of Novo- Moskowskoje ( Poplitten ) ) incorporated in Rajon Bagrationowsk ( Prussian Eylau ). Immediately after 1945, the place was still inhabited, but was then abandoned.


Church building

At the church in Haffstrom it was a monastery church from the period around 1350. The east pediment fitted with large aperture nor rejected the strict forms of that time on. On the nave several Stems were built in the 18th century, as the vestry, the baptistery and the tomb. Around the church extended to 1945 the cemetery.

A 1619 by Nicholas Schmidichen cast in Königsberg Godfather bell Haffstrom is now in the church of Great Lobke.


In 1349 the Great Hospital in Königsberg ( Prussia) was doped with Haffstrom, the Kirchdorf was already. The Lutheran Reformation held here early collection. First was under the parish of the inspection of the Konigsberg Oberhof preacher, last - until 1945 - it was in the church district king mountain country I in the ecclesiastical province of East Prussia the Church of the Old Prussian Union incorporated.

Parish Places

For parish Haffstrom were 22 places:


From the Reformation to 1945, officiating in Haffstrom 24 evangelical spiritual:

  • Johann Leuckner, 1545
  • Michael Stiefel, from 1551
  • Christoph Wildius, 1567
  • Michael Weisner, 1579/1583
  • Martin Forquer until 1588
  • Franciscus Grätsch, 1600/1612
  • Georg Plönscius, 1621/1630
  • Melchior Ayslinger
  • Johann Regius, 1642
  • Johann Ohlius, 1648-1676
  • Jacob Heinrich Ohlius, 1676-1696
  • Johann Bernhard Rasch, 1696-1717
  • Johann Friedrich Kösling, 1717-1721
  • Christian Kirchner, 1721-1748
  • Martin Theodor Passarge, 1749-1807
  • Christian Phillip Emanuel Gebauhr, 1807-1810
  • Johann Friedrich Hassel, 1811-1819
  • Benjamin Samuel Büttner, 1820-1832
  • Ludwig Fr Ad. Hoffmann, 1873-1885
  • Carl Rudolf Matt. Haase, 1885-1897
  • Franz Wilhelm Friczewski, 1897-1932
  • Winfried Evers, 1933-1935
  • Herbert Steinbach, 1935-1943

Local personalities

  • Carl Julius Gebauhr ( born February 9, 1809 in Haffstrom ), German piano maker († 1881)

