Hafiz (Quran)

As Haafiz (Arabic حافظ, DMG Hafiz of حفظ / Hafiza /, protect '; plural حفاظ / Huffaz ) is called in Arabic, a Muslim person who has learned the whole Koran by heart and often on special occasions sections recites it. This presentation follows pronunciation and intonation rules and is thus a kind of chant.

A Hafiz is very respected among Muslims because he has internalized according to their understanding of the Word of God. Blind and other physically handicapped were and are often Hafiz and can achieve high reputation in this way. Women who can recite the entire Qur'an by heart, Hafiza be called.

Because of his rhymes and metric of the Qur'an in relation to its length is relatively easy to learn. Arab biographies give traditionally the age in which a scholar Haafiz (and later Imam, " prayer leader ") was. So shall the historian al-Tabari have already memorized the Qur'an at age seven and eight have become prayer leaders. The Persian poet Hafiz received his honorary name because he had memorized the Koran at age eight.

  • Hafiz
  • Quran