Halfdan Ragnarsson


Halfdan landed 865 with his brothers Ivar the Boneless and Ubba in England and later became a leader of the Great Pagan Army. On 5 January 871 he and his Danes won the Battle of Reading, but lost four days later, the Battle of Ashdown. He was 871-872 ruler of London, where he beat coins.

In the year 877 Halfdan broke a truce between Danes and Anglo-Saxons, who had been two years earlier closed by the Anglo-Saxon King Alfred the Great and Halfdan's brother Ubba.

Halfdan was 877 in fighting against Norwegians on the Strangford Lough in Ireland. In Jorvik two new kings filled the power vacuum left by him, either directly or after his death in the year 883

Brothers and sons

Other brothers Halfdan were allegedly Sigurd Orm -i - auga Ragnarsson, Bjorn Járnsiða Ragnarsson, Rath Barth Ragnarsson, Dunyat Ragnarsson, Agnar Ragnarsson, Regnald Ragnarsson, Eirik Vindhatt Ragnarsson and Fridleiv Ragnarsson. However, only Ubba, Ivar and Halfdan mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the existence of which is reasonably assured.

Bernard Cornwell has to submit the story to the Ragnarsöhne Halfdan, Ubba and Ivar and the Danish trial, England, processed in his book series "The Saxon Stories".



  • Asser, Vita Ælfredi regis Angul Saxonum, The Life of King Alfred Angel thing
  • Anonymous Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
  • Symeon of Durham, Historia regum Anglorum et Dacorum
  • Adam of Bremen, Gesta Pontificum Hammaburgensis ecclesiae, Hamburg Church History