Hamburg (Iowa)

Fremont County


Hamburg is a city in Fremont County in the U.S. state of Iowa on Nishnabotna River.

Demographic information

At the time of the 2000 census lived in the village of 1,240 residents, 544 households, and 343 families. The population density was 427.5/km2. The ethnic distribution of the population is divided into 96.21 % White, 0.24 % of the residents of Indian descent, 0.32 % Asian and 2.66 % others. 5.48% were of Latin American origin.

Of the 544 households 27.6% have children under the age of 18. 46.1% were married at the time of the survey. 12.5 % were female households with no husband present, and 36.8 % were non- family households. 32.4 % of all households were single persons. 18.4% were single elderly over 65 years. The average size of a household was 2.27 persons and the average family size 2.83.

The age groups are as follows:

  • 22.9% under 18 years old
  • 6.9% - 18 to 24 years
  • 24.7% - 25 to 44 years
  • 24.3% - 45 to 64 years
  • 21.2% - over 65 years

For every 100 females inhabitants are 88.7 male inhabitants. For every 100 inhabitants over 18 years 87.5 male population were over 18 years.

The average household income was 29,479 U.S. dollars, the average family income is $ 42,935.


In Hamburg there is a ' bird Popcorn' factory, various shops and department stores.

A school is home to the place also, the " Hamburg Junior Senior High School " with 164 students.

Hamburg was repeatedly ravaged by floods, such as in the flood of the century of Missouri in 1993., The deeper parts of the town were under water during flooding, just one street from the place was passable.

  • Location in Iowa
  • Location in North America
  • Fremont County ( Iowa)