Hanover (Pennsylvania)

York County


Hanover is a borough in York County in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania, 19 miles south- west of York, 54 miles north- west of Baltimore, Maryland. Hanover has 14,535 inhabitants.


Hanover, which is named after the German city of Hanover, was inhabited by about 1730. In the American Civil War, a battle took place on June 30, 1863 instead of there that led to the cavalry of the Confederate States of America delays the Battle of Gettysburg could get. The Confederate States of America lost about 117 men. This battle was known as the Battle of Hanover in history.


According to the census of 2000, there were 14,535 inhabitants in Hanover. Here, 96.95 % of the population were White, 0.52 % African American, 2.05 % Hispanics and Latinos. The rest consisted of Native Americans, Asians, and other ethnicities. The average income per household was $ 35,536. 7.7 % of the population were below the poverty line.


The second largest pretzel maker Snyder 's of Hanover of the USA has its headquarters in Hanover.

  • Location in Pennsylvania
  • Location in North America
  • York County ( Pennsylvania)