Hans-Egon Richert

Hans- Egon Richert ( born June 2, 1924 in Hamburg, † 25 November 1993 in Blaustein ) was a German mathematician who is engaged in analytic number theory.

Richert went to school in Hamburg (due to " anglophile inclinations " he was expelled from the public schools and he had to attend a private school ) and studied after military service in World War II from 1946 at the University of Hamburg mathematics. In 1950 he completed his doctorate there with Max Deuring and habilitated in 1954. Afterwards, he was at the University of Göttingen and then a professor at the University of Marburg. In 1972 he moved to the newly founded University of Ulm, where he retired in 1991. 1974/75 he was Vice-Rector of the University. He has been a visiting professor at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign ( in Halberstam ). He was also a co-organizer of the Oberwolfach meeting in analytic number theory. Richert was concerned in the 1960s in particular with screening methods, about which he wrote a standard work with Heini Halberstam. In it there is also a simplification of Jingrun Chen's sentence from the environment of the Goldbach conjecture. He also scored in the asymptotic formula for Dirichlet divisor number function progress (1953, he scored for the infimum of the exponents of the remainder term in the asymptotic formula an upper limit of 15 /46).


  • Jurkat with Wolfgang: An improvement of Selberg 's sieve method I ( PDF, 4.1 MB), Acta Arithmetica 11, 1965, pp. 217-240 (English)
  • With Heini Halberstam: Sieve Methods, Academic Press, 1974