Haslach (Rot)

Flood retention basins centimes Bach

The Haslach is a right tributary of the Red in the district of Biberach in Baden- Württemberg.


The Haslach springs southeast of Haslach in the district of Ravensburg on the boundary of Aitrach and Bad Wurzach. At high tide, the Schmiddis and cents Bach jams in flood retention basins centimes Bach and unite there to Haslach. Intermediate pipe mill and bar mill, at the mouth of the dead walks to Tannheim, opens the Roteisbach in the Haslach. The river flows between the main town of Rot and cell in the red

Nationally known Haslach was posted on August 17, 1969 at the flood disaster in red at the red on this day had thunderstorms and downpours that rarely occur in the Swabian Oberland, lead to high levels of an outdated flood retention basin of Haslach within a few hours threatening. When the dam was flooded, the 8 m high dam collapsed over a length of 50 m. With volunteers from all over Baden -Württemberg streets, roads and bridges were made ​​passable again. Large amounts of uprooted trees, wood, rubble and debris had to be cleared.


Along the Haslach are the following sub- places and living places of the municipality of Rot before the Haslach opens into the actual red.

  • Tube mill
  • Kreuzmühle