Haworthia bolusii

Haworthia bolusii

Haworthia bolusii is a plant of the genus Haworthia in the subfamily Asphodelus ( Asphodeloideae ). The specific epithet honors bolusii the South African banker Harry Bolus ( 1834-1911 ).


Haworthia bolusii growing stemless and sprouts slowly. The inwardly curved, oblong lance-shaped leaves form a rosette with a diameter of 4 to 8 centimeters. The translucent leaf blade is bluish green. At the leaf margin and leaf Kiel are thorns with a length of more than 2 millimeters.

The strong inflorescence reaches a length of up to 30 centimeters. The flowers are spread flat on the base of the flower tube.

Systematics and distribution

Haworthia bolusii is widespread in South Africa's Eastern Cape.

The first description by John Gilbert Baker was published in 1880. A nomenclatural synonym Haworthia is arachnoidea var bolusii ( Baker) Halda (1997).

We distinguish the following varieties:

  • Haworthia bolusii var bolusii
  • Haworthia bolusii var black bear diana ( Poelln. ) MBBayer

