Haworthia limifolia

Haworthia limifolia is a plant of the genus Haworthia in the subfamily Asphodelus ( Asphodeloideae ).


Haworthia limifolia growing stemless, sprouts slowly and may form spurs. The 12 to 30 spread, ovate - lanceolate leaves form rosettes with a diameter of 5 to 7 centimeters. The light to very dark green or brownish green, opaque leaf blade is up to 6 inches long and 2 inches wide. The leaf surface is rough and filled with white or the same color warts or confluent transverse ribs. The leaf margins and leaf Kiel are rough.

The slim inflorescence reaches a length of up to 35 inches and is made of 15 to 20 petals. The tips of the tepals are rolled back.

Systematics and distribution

Haworthia limifolia is widespread in Mozambique, Swaziland and the South African provinces of Mpumalanga and KwaZulu -Natal.

The first description by Rudolf Marloth was published in 1910. There are numerous synonyms.

We distinguish the following varieties:

  • Haworthia limifolia var limifolia
  • Haworthia limifolia var gigantea M.B.Bayer
  • Haworthia limifolia var ubomboensis ( I.Verd. ) GGSM.

