Henri Namphy

Henri Namphy ( born November 2, 1932 in Grand Rivere du Nord ( Cap- Haïtien ) ) is a Haitian lieutenant general, politician and was the President of Haiti.


Overthrow Duvalier and first presidency 1986-1988

Namphy was raised along with his four siblings from his mother, who ran a general store and let the children teach in Roman Catholic primary and secondary schools in Port -au -Prince. Later he joined the army of Haiti ( Forces Armées d' Haïti), where he rose during the reign of the Duvalier family after visiting the military academy in 1954 and was regarded as a serious and honorable officer. As in 1982, he prevented the overthrow of dictator Jean -Claude Duvalier by a group of exiled Haitian, he was promoted to brigadier general and appointed Chief of the General Staff of the 7,000 -strong army.

After the fall of Duvalier and the flight to France, he was with the rank of lieutenant general as his successor on February 7, 1986 Director of the National Executive Council and was President of Haiti. The Executive Council, the first four military ( Namphy, Colonel William Regala, Colonel Max Valles, Colonel Prosper Avril ) and two civilians ( Gérard Gourgue and Alix CINEAS ) belonged promised the conduct of elections and democratic reforms.

Just six weeks after the escape Duvalier beat the wave of euphoria in turmoil due to the personnel policy Namphys. The Government of Namphy was called Duvalierismus without Duvalier because of his close relations with the former dictator. On March 21, Gourgue, at the same time popular justice minister, resigned after street protests, riots and looting. At the same time Namphy forced the members Valles, Avril and CINEAS who had very close relations with Duvalier, to resign from the Government. The Government was then in addition Namphy and Regala only the civilian Jacques François. This Government also faced ongoing strikes and demonstrations exposed. During his reign disappeared estimated 1,500 people.

The proclaimed by the State Council in October 1986 elections to a Constituent Assembly showed a lack of public interest in the political future of the country. The second attempt to elect a Parliament ended in November 1987 after the murder of more than 35 voters.

Second presidency from June to September 1988

After the victory of Leslie Manigat in the presidential elections of January 1988, which were largely viewed as fraudulent, Namphy handed over on January 7, president of Manigat. However Namphy itself remained in the office of commander in chief of the armed forces. As Manigat but dropped him as commander in chief, he crashed again Manigat on June 20, 1988, and took over for the second time as President of Haiti.

On September 17, 1988, he was then was deposed himself in a letter cited by Brigadier General Prosper Avril coup.
