Henriette Gottlieb

Henriette Gottlieb ( born June 1, 1884 in Berlin, † January 2, 1942 in the Lodz ghetto ) was a German soprano and opera singer.


Henriette Gottlieb had her first engagement in 1909 committed at the Stadttheater Plauen, from 1913 it was consistently at the Städtische Oper ( German Opera Berlin).

In 1918, she sang the Marion at the Berlin premiere of d' Albert's love chains and participated in the premiere of the opera part, the hill mill by Friedrich Ernst Koch, 1923, she sang in the world premiere of the opera Holofernes by EN von Reznicek. Gottlieb was primarily known as an interpreter of Wagner and sang all the great soprano roles as Brünnhilde in Der Ring des Nibelungen, Ortrud in Lohengrin, Tannhäuser and Venus in Kundry in Parsifal. However, they also sang roles such as Leonore in Fidelio, the, queen of the earth spirits in Hans Heiling of Marschner, Rachel in Halévy's La Juive. At the Bayreuth Festival, she was used 1927-1930 as the third Norn, Ortlinde and one of the Valkyries, the anti-Semitism on the Green Hill prevented larger roles and a further commitment. With a guest performance at the Théâtre des Champs- Élysées in Paris in 1930 under Franz von Hoesslin she sang the Gerhilde in Die Walküre, but took over in the subsequent recordings at Pathé the role of Brünnhilde, as Frida Leider and Nanny Larsén - Todsen contractually bound to other companies were. She also sang roles like the witch in Hansel and Gretel and the Ciesca in Gianni Schicchi by Puccini.

As a Jew, she could not occur more and they lost their livelihoods after the handover of power to the National Socialists in Germany. On 24 October 1941, she and her husband Carl Huth were deported to the second transport of the Berlin Jews to the Lodz ghetto in occupied Poland, and they came under inhumane conditions to there. Carl Huth died on May 3, 1942.
