Herbert Giles

Herbert Allen Giles ( born December 8, 1845 † February 13, 1935 ) was a British sinologist.


He served 1880-1893 in the British colonial service in Imperial China and was built in 1897 as the successor of Thomas Wade Professor of Chinese Studies at the University of Cambridge. Giles presented the groundbreaking lexicon "A Chinese-English Dictionary" together and refined the transcription Wade to the Wade-Giles system, which was relevant to the spread of Pinyin for the Western Sinology.


  • Using Examples to Learn the Spoken Language (语 学 举 隅Yuxue Juyu ) ( 1873)
  • Using Examples to Learn the Written Language (字 学 举 隅Zixue Juyu ) ( 1874)
  • Chinese Sketches ( 1876)
  • Religions of Ancient China ( 1905)
  • The Civilization of China ( 1911)
  • China and the Manchus (1912 )
  • A Chinese - English Dictionary (华英 字典Hua - Ying zidian ) (1892, Shanghai, 1912, London)