Hermann Vallentin

Hermann Vallentin ( born May 24, 1872 in Berlin, † September 18, 1945 in Tel Aviv ) was a German actor.


The son of the timber merchant and factory owner Felix Vallentin was the brother of actress Rosa Valetti. After studying acting at the Royal Theater in Berlin with Max Grube and Hans Oberlander he received in the season 1895/96, a first engagement at the central Theater Berlin. This was followed in the next years performances at various Berlin theaters.

Since 1914 Vallentin was also a busy actor. He usually embodied fathers, patriarchs and directors, but also narrow-minded philistines. In the film version of The Captain from Köpenick in 1931 he played the Uniform Schneider Adolph Wormser.

The coming to power of the Nazis ended abruptly his film career. 1933, emigrated Vallentin regarded as Jew in Czechoslovakia, where he performed on German stages in Ústí nad Labem and Prague. In 1938 he went to Switzerland and worked at the Stadttheater Basel and at the Schauspielhaus Zurich. In 1939 he emigrated to Palestine. Since he did not speak Hebrew, he had to discontinue acting. He gave lectures, poetry readings and was temporarily spokesman of German messages in Palestine Broadcasting Service ( PBS).

Films (selection )
