Herod's Gate

The Herod's Gate (Arabic: باب الساهرة bāb -as- sahairad, Blumentor ', Hebrew שער הפרחים [ ʃaar hapraxim ] Blumentor, other names: Sheep Gate, Sha'ar Hordos ) is one of the eight gates of Jerusalem's Old City. It performs at its northeast corner of the Muslim Quarter to the distant past Arab neighborhoods of East Jerusalem.

The name " Herod " goes back to medieval pilgrims who believed that the house of Herod Antipas, Jesus according to biblical representation also interrogated ( Lk 23,6 ff EU), have been found near this location.

At the siege of Jerusalem ( 1099 ), the Crusaders managed at the site of Herod's Gate of breaking through the wall at that time, which led to the fall of Jerusalem.
