Hideaki Anno

Hideaki Anno (Japanese庵 野 秀 明Hideaki Anno, May 22nd, 1960 in Ube, Japan) is a Japanese film director. Anno's most famous work is the anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. In 2002 he married the comic artist Moyoco Anno.

The astronomer Akimasa Nakamura named the asteroid ( 9081 ) Hideakianno after him.


Early Works

Anno began his career as an animator on the show Chōjikū Yosai Macross (1982-1983), but his talent was noticed only after the release of Hayao Miyazaki's Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind 1984. Since the production studio took another animators, an ad in the Japanese anime magazine Animage was abandoned. Anno reported on this indicator. When he presented some of his drawings at a meeting with Hayao Miyazaki, this was so impressed that he commissioned Anno with some of the most difficult scenes at the end of the film.

Later Anno was one of the founders of Studio Gainax. He worked there first as an animation director for the first long movie and then has directed Gunbuster (1988) and The Secret of Blue Water (1990-1991). When the NHK dismissed The Secret of Blue Water as remake of Miyazaki's Castle in the sky and him only a few creative tasks assigned yet, Anno fell into a four- year depression.

Neon Genesis Evangelion

Anno's next project was the anime television series Shin Seiki Evangelion (新 世紀 エヴァンゲリオン, internationally known as Neon Genesis Evangelion ), ( 1995-1996), which should be one of the most influential and most discussed anime. It was returned to an older style of drawing, but this led to a new precision and depth. Many suggest that Anno's long depression was the source of many aspects of the character drawing in the series. During production, Anno frequently came into conflict with Japanese fans. For these and other reasons Evangelion was always darker and more psychological with progressive action. Finally, it was Anno also not right that his work was only sent in the children's program. He was of the opinion that one must confront the people as early as possible to reality. Thus, the end goes against the established in the series narrative and logic and the last two episodes are a journey through the thoughts and feelings of the main characters. The series was first screened while not very successful, but was repeated in a later time slot and exceptionally popular throughout Japan.

After Neon Genesis Evangelion was completed, Anno received many letters from fans, on the one hand congratulated him for the plant and on the other hand, criticized the last two episodes. Among them were next to threats, allegations, Anno had ruined the show for the fans. In response, two films were produced. Death and Rebirth should summarize the events of the series and clearly represent and The End of Evangelion designed an alternative conclusion, which nevertheless left open many possibilities of interpretation.

Current Work

After Evangelion Anno resulted in the series Kareshi Kanojo no Jijo Director - the first production of the studio Gainax, based directly on already finished material. When he fell out with the sponsors, the manga author put the production into the hands of Kazuya Tsurumaki. Then worked Anno with Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli on several short films.

As a director, he has also worked on films such as Real Love & Pop ( 1998), Shiki -Jitsu (2000) and Cutie Honey. In 2006 he founded the company Studio Khara. This produced in 2007 along with Gainax the prelude to the four -part series Rebuild of Evangelion Evangelion as the 1.0 - You are (not) alone. was released in theaters. Followed in 2009 Evangelion: 2.0 - You can ( not) advance .. The rebuild summarizes in the first film is still the start of the series of NGE together, going in the second but increasingly other ways and begins the story of the television series departing. 2012 followed Evangelion: 3.0 - You can ( not) redo ..


Pictures of Hideaki Anno
