Hieronymus Schreiber

Hieronymus Schreiber ( † 1547 in Paris, hence Jerome Schreiber ) was a physician, mathematician and astronomer from Nuremberg.

Schreiber had studied in Wittenberg in Philipp Melanchthon. Due to its good testimonies he was regarded as a possible successor to the Chair by Georg Joachim Rheticus (1514-1574), but with the Flock Erasmus (1514-1568) was another Nuremberg.

It is thanks to writer that has been uncovered that the preface of the main work of Nicolaus Copernicus does not stem from Copernicus himself. In this preface to De Revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium 1543 is the significance of the heliocentric world view, which wanted to prove Copernicus, weakened to a mere hypothesis for computational simplicity. About this contradiction, scholars had been wondering.

A few decades later, the mystery to be solved. Georg Joachim Rheticus, Copernicus had work prepared in Nuremberg for the pressure, but could not supervise until the end, because he had this to Wittenberg. John Petreius, the printer Nuremberg, Schreiber had in 1543 sent a copy hot. Once reviewers have died in 1547 came the book about Michael Maestlin in the possession of Johannes Kepler ( 1571-1630 ). By therein corpus of note from writer Kepler revealed that it was Andreas Osiander, who had the preface to De Revolutionibus wrote. The reformer Osiander changed the work of the Catholic canons Copernicus in Protestant Nuremberg so that it was acceptable to Protestant theologians, and was classified as in need of correction also by the Vatican until 1620.

Schreiber traveled to Italy in 1542 and died in 1547 in a study in Paris. Weather observations from Saxony he has written in an almanac of Johannes Stöffler (1452-1543) and Jacob Pflaum.
