
High Throughput Experimentation ( HTE ) is a scientific procedure in the massively parallelized experiments are conducted. The literal translation would be high-throughput experimental procedure, but this does not sprachgebrauchliche use. When the experiments were conducted at the same time, various parameters or starting materials are varied systematically and empirically investigates goal is ultimately in less time the individual optimal value of a parameter (such as the reaction temperature, the ideal implementation of a chemical reaction) or a single starting material (eg example, to identify a lead compound in pharmaceutical research ) faster. High Throughput Experimentation is mainly used in industrial research to accelerate new developments.


Some examples of this approach can be traced back to Thomas Alva Edison (1878 ) and Giacomo Luigi Ciamician (1912). One of the early assignable applications of this approach in inorganic chemistry was carried out in 1909 by Alwin Mittasch. Despite these early efforts, the procedure for a long time was never addressed. A Renaissance learned the methodology in the 1970s and 1980s in pharmaceutical research and the life sciences. This renaissance was made possible by the use of laboratory automation and powerful computer-based evaluation. Mid-1990s the principle was rediscovered in empirical research catalyst and there defined the term High Throughput Experimentation.


The high-throughput principle is used today in different research fields of science application, such as in pharmaceutical research, catalysis research, particularly in the field of heterogeneous catalysis, and materials science.

The systematic approach here paraphrased an example of heterogeneous catalysis:

Design, synthesis, screening and statistical analysis can be repeatedly executed, each with optimized conditions.

On Definition

There exist in the various scientific disciplines, different written down definitions and different language use union definitions which can lead to confusion at times: In the pharmaceutical research and life sciences, the term high-throughput screening is also partially used synonymously for High Throughput Experimentation, however, are in pharmaceutical research with the term high-throughput screening described mainly test method for determination of lead compounds from compound libraries. In heterogeneous catalysis research and materials research, however, the more comprehensive concept of High Throughput Experimentation is common where not only compound libraries are searched, but also other parameters (pressure, temperature, amount of substance ) are investigated.
