HMS Grenville (H03)

HMS Grenville ( H03 ) was built for the G-Class destroyer of the British Royal Navy flotilla in World War II.

The ship was launched on August 15, 1935 at Yarrow in Glasgow from the stack. Put into service, it was on July 1, 1936.

The destroyer leader was initially unlike the majority of his accompanying destroyers with the 20th Destroyer Flotilla used in the Mediterranean. His duties after the war began particular belonged securing convoys and warships in these waters.

At the end of the ship was then ordered back and assigned to the 1st Destroyer Flotilla as lead ship. On January 19, 1940 HMS Grenville ran together with six ships of its fleet of patrol coming back to Harwich. In the Thames estuary, the ship struck a mine that had been a few days previously laid by German destroyers. HMS Grenville immediately sank, the survivors were rescued by the escorting destroyers.
