Home Server

A Home Server ( German home server, rarely also home server ) is a server that provides a variety of network services in the home. Conceptually can be meant along with Home Server both the operating system, hardware, or both.


As hardware platform come alongside older computers often suitable for living room Mini-/Multimediarechner (HTPC ) or very low-power embedded PCs used. Increasingly also plug computer use as a home server. Similarly, some commercial routers can be used by a new firmware for this purpose. Due to the ever more powerful hardware is working in this area are increasingly using virtual machines. This can for example also meet a variety of other tasks and run multiple distributions with different operating systems and specializations at the same time a powerful HTPC next to multimedia services.


Home server over a local area network ( LAN / WLAN or Powerline) or USB connected to one or more home computers. Regardless of the type of connection make Home Server different services such as printers and data storage (NAS) ready and secure the home network to the Internet through a firewall or make it accessible from the Internet, such as through the provision of a web server or a VPN access. More and more take over the Home Server also functions of home automation, such as lighting and shutter controls, but also monitoring functions.
