Hosokawa clan

The Higo Hosokawa (Japanese肥 后 细 川 氏, Hosokawa Higo -shi ), usually referred to simply as Hosokawa, continued the Hosokawa line, starting with Fujitaka, an adopted son of Hosokawa Mototsune (细 川 元 常). With an income of 540,000 koku of the Hosokawa were among the big daimyo of the Edo period.


  • Fujitaka (藤 孝also幽 斎, Yusai ( 1534-1610 ) ) Tadaoki (忠 兴; 1564-1645 ), husband of Hosokawa Gracia Tadatoshi (忠 利; 1586-1641 ), put on the Suizenji Park Mitsunao (光 尚; 1616-1650 ) Tsunatoshi (纲 利; 1643-1717 ) (1)
  • Toshishige (利 重; 1647-1687 ) (2)
  • Yukitaka (行 孝; 1637-1690 ) Aritaka ({ {lang | ja | 有 孝; 1676-1730 ) (3)
  • Okimasa (兴昌; 1647-1687 ) Okitaka (兴隆; 1647-1687 ) Okichika? (4)

While the secondary lines with a house festivals (阵 屋, Jinya ) were satisfied, left the Hosokawa their assigned incurred castle Yatsushiro (八 代 城) the house elders Matsui and his family.

The Hosokawa family maintains a museum in Tokyo with historic family-owned Eisei Bunko (永清 文库). The museum with its 6,000 objects from seven centuries ( including eight national treasures ) and 48,000 documents is available to the public.
