Hotel Chevalier

  • Jason Schwartzman: Jack
  • Natalie Portman: ex-girlfriend

Hotel Chevalier is a short film by director Wes Anderson in 2007. He is also the prologue to the film The Darjeeling Limited. Location was the Hotel Raphael in Paris.


Scene of action is the room 403 of a Paris hotel Chevalier. Jack (Jason Schwartzman ) gets after he has ordered from the room service food, surprise visit from his ex-girlfriend (Natalie Portman ) who is for a day in the city. After looking at the room, brushed his teeth and the waiter brought the food, Jack starts to take off his ex-girlfriend and noticed her doing bruises. She wants both remain friends and confesses her love Jack, but he behaves towards her distant and cold. The film ends with exit of both. Onto the balcony and the view on the opposite road train

From the movie The Darjeeling Limited follows that it is one of three emotionally dysfunctional brothers to Jack.


Rüdiger search country of telepolis was disappointed that Hotel Chevalier was only the film: " It is better and richer in content than the main movie - which does not mean that he would have much to say or would not be influenced by brand fetishism in particular. But at least it 's about something. And everything " Hotel Chevalier " NOT told, and everything he shows is a hundred times more interesting and touching than every second of "The Darjeeling Limited. " The pleasure is only mitigated by the fact that the film is difficult to access; at i -Tunes on YouTube it is cleared very quickly and very regularly. "

Dominik Kamalzadeh from the standard saw a " wonderfully laconic short film", he acted " a little like a case study for the way Anderson characters and their world understands: they are fitted on compelling way into their surroundings, almost as if they were themselves a illustrious piece of equipment. But always there is a remainder, an error, a gap [ ... ] "
