Hoya cinnamomifolia

Hoya cinnamomifolia, inflorescence

Hoya cinnamomifolia is a species of the genus of the Wax Flower ( Hoya ) of the subfamily of milkweed plants ( Asclepiadoideae ).


Hoya cinnamomifolia forms long to about 3 m, writhing, bare drives. The leaves are oval or oblong - oval and pointed at the end. These measure 5 to 7 x 3 cm and are fleshy to leathery. They sit on short, thick stalks. The edges are slightly bent. The Vielblütige inflorescence is hemispherical to spherical, the stem is about 3 cm long. The bald, meaty acting corolla measures approximately 2 cm in diameter and is colored green. The crown tip are broad oval, pointed and bent back. The flat corona has a wine-red to deep purple color. The flowers are open for about ten days. They smell unpleasant. The staminal corona lobes are oval, pointed at the end and form in the middle of the top of a keel.

Geographical occurrence

The species is found in Indonesia ( Java).

