Hoya obscura

Hoya obscura, inflorescence

Hoya obscura is a species of the genus of wax flowers ( Hoya ) of the subfamily of milkweed plants ( Asclepiadoideae ). It is located in the southern part of the island of Luzon (Philippines).


Hoya obscura grows epiphytic, writhing with bushy growth. The main roots are firm and strong wound. The leafless, terete with a diameter of 5 to 8 mm in cross section Stems branch out already close to their base, which may be about lignified.

The leaves are often against constantly throughout the shoot axis distributed. The bare stems are sunk about 0.5 to 1.5 inches long and on the top. The simple leaf blades are light green, glabrous, smooth and shiny, especially on the upper leaf surface. They are very variable in size, but the shape varies little. They are elliptic to oblong - oval, more or less pointed at the end and measure up to 10 cm in length and up to 4 cm in width. The smaller leaves are nearly elliptical, the larger leaves oblong- oval. The base of the leaf blade is broadly rounded or wedge-shaped. The leaf buds are visible, as they are usually a bit darker. In the culture leaves can also be bronze- with appropriate fertilizers.

The inflorescence is many flowered with up to 30 flowers (up to 25 flowers ). The compressed inflorescence stem is leathery, glabrous, stiff, and up to 5 cm long; it springs the blade axes. The flower stalks are also bald and up to 1 cm long. The scent of the flowers is described very differently: " a slight hint of lavender perfume " or " fresh cut citrus fruits " or " subtly spiced honey fragrance". The flowers remain open for about 6 days. The hermaphrodite flowers are radial symmetry and fünfzählig double perianth. Sepals are rounded, approximately 1.5 mm long and as wide at the base. The Kronblätterzipfel are bent towards the flower stem to the outside. Seen from above, the crown is flat, roundish to slightly pentagonal and only slightly larger ( in diameter) than the corona. The upper side of the petals is densely covered with fine, short hair. The color varies from creamy white, pale yellow to pink and pink. The corona is bright yellow, yellow or reddish at the base of the corona lobes.

Occurrence and systematics

Hoya obscura is in the southern part of the Philippine island of Luzon, in the provinces Sorsegon and Laguna.

The holotype material was found by ADE Elmer in July 1916 in tropical forests at Irosin at the volcano Bulusan in the province Sorsegon ( Luzon ). The first release of the species name was in 1923 by Adolph Daniel Edward Elmer ( 1870-1942 ) in Elmer Drew Merrill: An Enumeration of Philippine Flowering Plants, 3, pp. 352 Then a publication by Adolph Daniel Edward Elmer was in Notes on Asclepiadaceae. In: Leaflets of Philippine Botany, 10 ( 131), Manila 1938, pp. 3543-3599 (Description of Hoya obscura on pages 3586 and 3587 ), this appears to be the first description valid. In 1986, another publication by Christine M. Burton: Hoyan, 8, ( 1), p 15

