Hui Shi

Hui Shi (Chinese惠施, Pinyin Hui Shī ), also Huizi (Chinese惠子, Pinyin Huìzǐ, Master Hui ') * 370 BC; † 310 BC, a Chinese philosopher was from the State Song (宋) at the time of the Warring States Period. The famous scholar was a friend and compatriot of Zhuangzi and a leading representative of the philosophical school of the school name or logician ( Mingjia ). He rose to become chancellor of Wei (魏).

The author of the last chapter of the Zhuangzi (庄子) admits his teachings (as well as those of the Mozi ) a considerable space.

In contrast to the predominantly socially oriented philosophy of his contemporary colleagues to Master Hui dealt with logic, ontology and epistemology and became the favorite victim for the mockery of Zhuang Zhou, who fought the logicians with the linguistic means available to him. Therefore, the most plastic portrait of the master is to be found from the work Zhuangzi.

Huis teachings are in other works, such as the Zhanguo ce, Lüshi chunqiu, Han Feizi and Xunzi, survived.
