Humanist Party (Chile)

The Partido Humanista de Chile to German Humanist Party of Chile, formed in 1984 under the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet.


In 1988, she represented one of the three lines of election observers to monitor the referendum against Pinochet. In 1989 she was co-founder of the Humanist International in Florence and sent in the same year with Laura Rodríguez, the first representative of the humanists to parliament.

The HP Chile was one of the founders of the so-called the Concertación, which she left in 1993 due to the criticism of the HP neoliberal course of Concertacion and therefore gave up all political offices.

2003 called the HP Chiles all left-wing groups to on, to form a broad social and political movement, which should include all leftist and progressive forces. On 13 December 2003 to sign more than 30 organizations, the founding document of the Poder Democratico y Social ( PODEMOS ), including the Communist Party of Chile (PC), the MIR Chile, the Izquierda Cristiana de Chile ( IC) and the Communist Party - Proletarian Action (PC -PA).

In 2004, the HP in the municipal elections 3.03 % of the vote and went with 40 deputies to the district parliaments. Together with the other parties reached the alliance Juntos Podemos around 10 % of the votes and became the third strongest political force in Chile.

In the parliamentary and presidential elections in 2006, the Alliance was 7.4 %, but sent no representatives due to the binomial electoral system into parliament. The presidential candidate of the Alliance, Tomás Hirsch, reached 5.4% of the vote.
