Hüseyin Çelik

Hüseyin Çeliks paternal family are immigrants from Arab Tillo in Siirt and were as Sayyids (descendants of the Prophet) a spiritually influential family. The mother's family are Kurds from Van. Hüseyin Çelik graduated from the Faculty of Literature and Turkish language at the University İstanbul.Im Subsequently, he received his Master of Turkish Literature at the Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi in Van and at the School of Oriental and African Studies a Master of Turkish Politik.Seine PhD wrote Çelik at the Institute of social Sciences (Area New Turkish Literature ) at the University İstanbul.1997 was Çelik was a lecturer at the Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi.Er as a university professor and as head of Turkish language and literature at the same university tätig.Hüseyin Çelik has published more than 15 books in the subject area Turkish culture and politics history and literature.
