
Green-leaved Schwefelkopf ( Hypholoma fasciculare )

Sulfur heads ( Hypholoma, syn. Naematoloma ) is a fungal genus of the family Träuschlingsverwandten. The best known and most common of edible Graublättrige Schwefelkopf (H. capnoides ) and toxic sulfur Green leafy head are (H. fasciculare ), the type species of the genus.

The medium-sized fruit bodies usually have a central stalk. The color spectrum of the mushroom bodies ranges from yellow-brown to brick-red. The color of the spore powder is dark brown to almost black. The fruiting body development is hemiangiocarp, that is, during the growth of young fruit body is surrounded by a velum. This veil can be found at the sulfur heads only to very young fruit bodies.

Distribution and ecology

The genus is distributed worldwide and their representatives saprobiontisch grow preferentially on dead wood and plant debris. Some species are bound to Moore.


In Europe, approximately 20 species occur or are expected there.

Green-leaved Schwefelkopf Hypholoma fasciculare

Brick Red Schwefelkopf Hypholoma lateritium

Folksy or Natternstieliger Schwefelkopf Hypholoma marginatum

