
Ulmenrasling ( Hypsizygus ulmarius )

The Holzraslinge or Baumraslinge ( Hypsizygus ) are a small group ( dead ) holzbewohnender fungi that habitually very closely related to the ordinary ground-dwelling Raslingen and the wood-dwelling Seitlingen. Taxonomically the Holzraslinge Hence at the Raslingen ( Lyophyllum ) or the Seitlingen ( Pleurotus ) have been assigned. Of the Seitlingen they are well distinguished by the little run-down slats.

In Japan, there Buna - shimeji called Buchenrasling (H. tessulatus ) is a very popular edible mushroom. Since the distribution of the also edible Ulmenraslings (H. ulmarius ) has declined sharply in recent years, this should no longer be collected.

Types (selection)

The following types are only a selection in Europe occurring species dar.

  • Buchenrasling, Buna - shimeji (H. tessulatus ( Bull.) Singer)
  • Ulmenrasling, Elm Oyster, Shirotamogitake (H. ulmarius ( Bull.) Redhead )
  • Ligusterrasling (H. ligustri Raithelh. )
  • Marbled Holzrasling (H. marmoreus ( Peck) HE Bigelow ), this is occasionally seen with the Buchenrasling as a kind.


Buchenrasling (H. tessulatus )


Marbled Holzrasling (H. marmoreus )
