Ida Galli

Ida Galli ( born April 9, 1942 in Sestola ) is an Italian actress.


Galli played after a short acting training at the Istituto Magistrale and her move to Rome from 1959 small supporting roles in films, including in The Sweet Life of Federico Fellini. She played in France Édouard Molinaro and other important directors of the early 1960s, as well as in The Leopard. From the middle of the decade she was seen hautpäschlich in genre films, often spaghetti westerns, where she was listed as Evelyn Stewart. But they also used the pseudonyms Arianna Galli Galli Ina, Arianna Heston, Isli Oberon and Priscila Steele. After the mid-1970s it was only very rarely seen.

