Ifat Sultanate

The Sultanate of Ifat or Ifaad was a Muslim sultanate in the area of present-day Ethiopia and northern Somalia ( Somaliland ), which existed from the 13th century until its conquest by the Christian Empire of Ethiopia in 1415. It is considered the forerunner of the Sultanate of Adal.

Sultan Umar Walashma from the Walashma dynasty founded Ifat in 1285 with the conquest of the Sultanate of Shewa. Later, other areas of Shewa and Afar and the adjacent, newly founded states Fatajar, Dawaro, Bale and Adal were added. After a war, the Sultan Hakk ad-Din against Ethiopia under Negus Amda Seyon Ifat was tributary against Ethiopia. During this time, Ifat expanded its sphere of on the port city Saylac ( Zeila ). After Sultan S'adad -Din had most recently tried to achieve full independence IFATS, conquered and annexed Isaac ( Yeshaq ) the Sultanate 1415th

End of the 15th century were descendants of Walashma dynasty, who were drawn further east to Harar, the old Sultanate of Adal grow strong again. This was in the 16th century the most important Muslim polity in the Horn of Africa.


  • Encyclopaedia Britannica
  • Countrystudies.us: Ethiopia - Growth of Regional Muslim States
  • History ( Somalia)
  • Historical State (Ethiopia )